The peculiarities of artists’ work illumination on online resources as exemplified by Emmanuil Mysko, the sculptor, were considered. The main spheres, covered by online information sources regarding well-known artistic personalities and the importance for formation of complete vision of artist’s personal qualities, his methods of teaching, life and public policies and more, were emphasized. The specifics of publicistic texts in mass media, the variety of the content consisting not only of memoirs or interviews of the artist’s relatives, but which are also supplemented by videos, teleconferences, etc., were analysed. The accent was put on encyclopaedic publications as information sources consisting of verified data only. The outstanding artistic personality of the sculptor Emmanuil Mysko was viewed from the point of the diversity of information presented on different online platforms. Visual data, reference formats, and quotations connected with the artist’s creative work and life as content sources that actualize the importance of the sculptor’s creativity and serve as modern forms of collective commemoration as well, have been analysed.
1. Biblioteka ukrainskoho mystetstva [Site of Library of Ukrainian Art]. Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]
2. Emmanuil Mysko. Vikipediia – vilna entsyklopediia. [Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia. Emmanuil Mysko]. Retrieved from:
3. Elektronna biblioteka «Kultura Ukrainy» [Site of Electronic Library “Culture of Ukraine”] Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]
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18. Emmanuil Mysko: ofitsiina storinka u merezhi facebook. Kerivnyk storinky: R. Mysko-Pasichnyk [Emmanuil Mysko. The official facebook page. Page manager: R. Mysko-Pasichnyk]. Retrieved from: [In Ukrainian]