
Bulletin of the Lviv National Academy of Arts is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published since 1990.

Founder: Lviv National Academy of Arts

Journal policy. The Bulletin of Lviv National Academy of Arts publishes original, thorough research that addresses theoretical and methodological issues of the history of visual art and culture.

The journal includes articles on fine and decorative arts, design, restoration of art works, cultural studies, management of socio-cultural activities, artistic and pedagogical support of educational and socio-cultural processes, as well as contemporary art issues.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 157 from 09.02.2021 the Bulletin of the Lviv National Academy of Arts is included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, category B (field of science: art history, majors: 022 - Design, 023 - Fine Arts, Decorative Arts, Restoration, 028 - Management of Socio-Cultural Activities).

The Bulletin of Lviv National Academy of Arts is indexed in the international databases Index Copernicus, ERIH PLUS, Cite Factor and Google Scholar. The journal is presented on the portal in the information resource “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”, an electronic copy and a paper version of the journal are kept in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.

The editorial policy of the journal is based on the principles of objectivity and impartiality in the selection of articles for publication; high demands to the quality of scientific research; mandatory review of articles; collegiality in decision-making on the article publication; accessibility and efficiency in dealing with authors; and strict observance of copyright and related rights.

The editorial board pays special attention to the originality of the submitted texts, prevents plagiarism; adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); and makes decisions on the manuscript publication based on the conclusions of reviewers.

Procedure for reviewing articles in the Bulletin:
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ISSN 2524-0943 (Print)
ISSN 2663-886X (Online)

Registration certificate: 

Series KV No. 16005-4477D dated 02.11.2009.

Certificate of inclusion in the State Register of Publishers:

DK No. 4745 dated 14.07.2014.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.