The article analyzes the problem of using social myths in the system of a totalitarian society, outlines the main mechanisms of their influence on all spheres of society life, scenarios of activity and modifications in modern times. The totalitarian societies of the twentieth century (on the example of the Soviet Union and Germany) created their myths, because without them, totalitarianism is in principle impossible, and also actively used millennial mythological schemes and images already created by the millennium. The modern information society gives rise to new myths, commercially oriented, but the mechanisms of influence are rooted in archaic myth-making and myth-creation of totalitarian states.
Objectives – to analyze the mechanisms of the functioning of myths in a totalitarian society, the basic principles of mythologizing the image, the transformation of social myths in modern society.
Scientific novelty. All modern theories of social myths can be conditionally divided into two kinds of flows: 1) those that interpret myth as a certain way of expressing the unconscious, to begin even an irrational experience that is experienced subjectively but is unique to the whole community; 2) theories that emphasize his or her ability to form types of thinking and norms of behavior (which is extremely important for totalitarian societies that want to ensure total control over citizens).
Results. Since the most researched totalitarian societies today are Soviet and Nazi, it is best to go there according to the models of the existence of mythological paradigms, even when realizing the diversity of these varieties of totalitarian regimes - the Nazi totalitarianism is directed to the pre-Christian past. at the end of the XXI century. the latest social myths have started to play a much larger role than the new weapons. Considering the tangible effect of civilized means of influence on extremely militant states (through a set of economic and political sanctions, access to global financial systems and levers of influence on the politics and economy of other states), it is social myths relayed through all possible media (directly or veiled). ), began to form mass public opinion and even state ideology. It is the mythology that offers a person the key to understanding the situation (social, political, spiritual, emotional) in which they find themselves. The mythology (ideology) of an individual society (or even a particular social group) comprehensively characterizes its representatives, their motivation, and their interest. Myths are a guarantee that a particular community will not be completely destroyed during radical changes. Therefore, in times of social and economic crises, myth gives a person the possibility of unconditional identification with the team.
Conclusions. Society and civilization of the twentieth century. modestly retreated to the laws and regulations of mythological consciousness, mythological laws, because for thousands of years man has preserved the collective subconscious and resist (in its mass) cannot, and "others" immediately found themselves outside the society, becoming social exiles (this in the scene of exile) or died. The modern information society gives birth to new, commercially oriented myths, but the mechanisms of influence are rooted in the archaic myth-making and myth-making of totalitarian states.
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