The art of mask in Chinese culture is presented, the scenic image of which is the embodiment of theatrical art in the context of becoming a national identity. Cultural, historical, and art-based approaches have been used to enable an objective study of the historical and scientific aspects of the development of this art in China. The role of the mask in the performing arts is analyzed, which allows to evaluate its significance and functions in Chinese culture, forms, techniques and methods of using and creating the artistic image; artistic features and characteristic genre traits, productivity of use in national theater are revealed.
It is well known that for centuries the mask has been an important attribute of theatrical spectacles, and in the form of tragic and comical grimaces has become an emblem of theatrical art as a whole. The semantics of this word indicate that the mask is functionally defined as the object by which the performer changes appearance.
The article points out the peculiarities of figurative interpretation of universal formative properties of theatrical Chinese mask, which is still considered a separate type of visual culture, which played a special role in the development of artistic genres and styles, identified the main stages of certain artistic models of Eastern theater. The theatrical mask is described as a means of acting tools, an integral attribute of the stage action, a means of expressing the emotions of the character, the role and significance of the mask in the creation of the artistic and stage image are generalized.
The purpose of the study is to present the main directions of scientific research of theatrical masks in Chinese culture in the context of the development of performing arts. And the task of the research is to present as accurately as possible the historical importance and natural necessity of the presence of a stage mask in traditional theatrical culture, its organicity in the creation of productions, high artistic value in revealing the image of Chinese theater characters.
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